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Shell Facility (3462), St. Rose

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #98868
State Police #07-04946
Accident Date2007-08-23
Report Date 2007-08-29
Follow-up Date 0000-00-00
Follow-up: No

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Toluene3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNONONO1.2 pounds
Hexane3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNONONO1.5 pounds
Xylene3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNONONO1.7 pounds
Ethylbenzene3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNONOYES0.3 pounds
Benzene3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNONOYES0.6 pounds
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNONOYES78.0 pounds
Particulate Matter3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNOYESNO4.0 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNOYESNO8.0 pounds
Nitrogen Oxide3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNOYESYES21.0 pounds
Carbon Monoxide3h 36mEPN 5-77 St. Rose FlareNOYESNO12.0 pounds

Accident Classified As:

Cause of Problem: Power Failure

Power failure allowed two pressure relief valves to open to the flare to prevent over-pressuring of the unit

Discharge Preventable - No

Notes/Remedial Actions

The power failure was unexpected. They secured the process unit until the power was restored. Electrical support will work with the energy supplier to understand what caused the failure and take appropriate corrective action to prevent it from reoccurring.