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Motiva Enterprises (1406), Norco

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #86806
State Police #06-01882
Accident Date2006-03-28
Report Date 2006-04-04
Follow-up Date 2007-03-05
Follow-up: Yes

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Benzene1hHCU ATM RV-1177NONOYES58.0 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide1hHCU ATM RV-1177NONONO278.0 pounds
Carbon Monoxide1hHCU Flare (EPN 4-84)NOYESNO76.8 pounds
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)1hMultipleNONOYES9,585.5 pounds
Hexane1hMultipleNONONO1,090.1 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide1hHCU Flare (EPN 4-84)NOYESNO414.4 pounds

Accident Classified As: Reportable Quantity

Cause of Problem: Power Failure

The 13.8 breaker providing power to MCC #1,2,3 in the HUC switchgear opened, resulting in a complete unit shutdown.

Discharge Preventable - Yes

Notes/Remedial Actions

Once the unit was completely shutdown, the problem was identified, the breaker was put in the correct position, and unit restarted. Concerning remedial actions, Motiva plans to include key points of policy addressing switchgear access/hazard in Safety Ba'You meetings and to verify/include switchgear access/hazards in contractor site orientation. Point sources for released VOC's and Hexane are the HCU Flare (EPN 4-84) and the HCU ATM RV-1177.