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Motiva Enterprises (1406), Norco

LDEQ Accident Report

Accident #100769
State Police #07-3846
Accident Date2007-11-03
Report Date 2007-11-09
Follow-up Date 2007-12-28
Follow-up: Yes

Pollutants Released

Pollutant Duration Point Source Greenhouse Gas Criteria Pollutant Ozone forming chemical Amount of Release
Oil15d 23h 55mexternal mixer on tank F-470NONONO275.1 gallons

Accident Classified As: Reportable Quantity

Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure

"An external mixer on tank F-470 developed a leak due to a catastrophic bearing failure, which punctured the mixer's external case. In addition, seal failure allowed the head pressure of the tank to relieve through the damaged external case."

Discharge Preventable - No

The release was not preventable through procedures, actions, or training because it was a sudden and unforeseeable failure.

Notes/Remedial Actions

Operations placed containment under leak site and collected spilled material via vacuum truck. The external case leak was sealed with expandable foam sealant that was pumped into the case cavity. Mixer was removed and replaced with a new one. Upon completion of repairs, excavation of visually stained soils with initiated. To prevent recurrence, plans are being implemented to move the mixer to a manway of sufficient height to prevent water impacting seal and bearing life. Finally, a formal preventative maintenance schedule will be adopted in conjunction with the current visual surveillance and operator rounds.