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Calumet Lubricants 8 (1214), Shreveport

Citizen Complaints in 2011

LDEQ Accident Number
Complaint Date

Description: flare producing reddish black smoke

Health Effects:

LDEQ Followup: yes

LDEQ Notes: Calumet representative stated that an upset occurred with Diesel Hydrotreater btwn 9:00 AM & 12:00 PM, about 140 lbs of SO2 sent to flare during the upset period

Investigation Delay: 16

Accident Report Filed:


Description: H2S odors

Health Effects:

LDEQ Followup: yes

LDEQ Notes: rotten egg odor noted on corner of Midway & Hudson, odor dissipated by 2:15, Calumet representative stated flare from MEK unit developed a hole releasing odor

Investigation Delay: Same Day

Accident Report Filed:


Description: odor

Health Effects:

LDEQ Followup: yes

LDEQ Notes: carbon canister of amine unit that skims the amine out was damaged, odor was released while the canister was replaced

Investigation Delay: Same Day

Accident Report Filed:


Description: A concerned citizen reported what she believed to be a hydrogen sulfide and benzene odor, described as "horrible and obnoxious".

Health Effects:

LDEQ Followup: Yes

LDEQ Notes:

Investigation Delay: 4

Accident Report Filed: 131833