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Phillips 66 (2418), Belle Chasse

Releases in 2005

LDEQ Accident Number
Accident Date
Point Source/Release CauseNotes

Point Source(s):
412-A-FF, 308W-FF

Asbestos - 1 pounds
Oil - 48,300 gallons
Flammable Gas - 209 pounds
Cause of Problem: Weather

Hurricane Katrina caused flooding to the electrical system rendering it useless disallowing it regulate the Propane Sphere Compressor System. Causing the pressure in the tanks to reach unstable highs. To remedy the problem the propane from one propane sphere to the other (T-550 to T-551) releasing all the propane vapor from T-550 to be released.
To preven sphere's PSV's from relieving to atmosphere-- both spheres are manually vented to keep pressure below PSV relief setting. Initial assessment is the propane pressure control may not be functinal for 30-60 days. Propane sphere pressure control venting was greatly reduced when one of the refinery's steam generating units was re-lit.

Point Source(s):
Chevron Texaco Bridgeline Pipeline

Propylene - 102 pounds
Cause of Problem: Seal or Gasket

During product switch from Propane to Propylene the level gauge gasket on the seal pot of the 411 L 95 C pump failed.
Pump was shut down and isolated and repaired.

Point Source(s):
308F-D-2 High pressure flare

Nitrogen Oxide - 20 pounds
Cause of Problem: Weather

An unusually severe thunderstorm caused an upset in the unit 491 Depropanizer Tower
The level of NOX exceeded that of a reportable level. The 43 minutes included two seperate times of the day including 19 minutes and 24 minutes). They also claimed corrective actions will be implemented.

Point Source(s):
308F-D-1 Low pressure flare

Hydrocarbon - 215 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide - 7 pounds
Nitrogen Oxide - 23 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 653 pounds
Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure

The liquid/gas pressure relay on transformer XFR 5CE at electrical substation 5C unexpectedly tripped breaker VCB 3CG.
Claimed preventative maintenance could have been used, but the failure was unforeseeable. The level of SO2 exceeded that of a reportable level.

Point Source(s):
Low Pressure Flare

Hydrocarbon - 119 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide - 3 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 251 pounds
Nitrogen Oxide - 8 pounds
Cause of Problem: Human Factors

A contractor came into contact with the instrument air supply line for the FCC Unit's K-2A Supplemental compressor. This caused the lines to separate and for air to leak.
It was immediately repaired and they claimed to go over similar air supplies.

Point Source(s):
FCC Unit #1291

Carbon Monoxide - 952 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide - 2 pounds
Nitrogen Dioxide - 3 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 314 pounds
Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure

The FCC Unit #1291 system tripped off-line due to a false airflow alarm.
They claimed they restarted it and it is now safe and secure.

Point Source(s):
Saturate Gas Unit (7991-PSV-18)

Butane - 91 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide - 90 pounds
Propane - 8,881 pounds
Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure

Pressure control valve BPC-244 malfunctioned gave a false signal of being open when actually in the closed position. This caused the pressure relief valve 7991-PSV-18 to lift for 5 minutes.
Assured they would operate this at a Òlow pressureÓ pending findings of the investigation.

Point Source(s):
X-4 and X-5 exchangers in the coke fractioner

Nitrogen Oxide - 9 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 317 pounds
Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure

The compressor second state knockout drum received a high level alarm. Inadequate cooling of verhead vapors at the X-4 and X-5 exchangers in the coke fractioner caused the 891-K-1 compressor to trip offline
They claimed they changed operational procedures and the compressor was restarted.

Point Source(s):
Texaco Pipelines LLC AL02 Liquid meter station at ConocoPhillips

Propylene - 754 pounds
Cause of Problem: Power Failure

A power failure at CP caused an automatic shut down causing a 1inch relef valve to release propylene.
Installed thermal relief on the pipeline

Point Source(s):
(308F-D-1) Low Pressure Flare; (308F-D-2) High Pressure Flare; (301-D-3) CO Bypass Stack; (591-D-21X) SRU Incinerator

Benzene - 216 pounds
Carbon Monoxide - 38,536 pounds
Hydrocarbon - 17,590 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide - 413 pounds
Nitrogen Oxide - 668 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 47,071 pounds
Cause of Problem: Power Failure

Entergy experienced a ground fault and the backup supply failed to switch in a timely manner. Forced most process units to shutdown resulting in flaring and venting of CO. Two pressure valves relieved to the atmosphere.
With most of the process units down, there was isufficient feed to keep the SRU tail gas treater online. The tail gas from SRU 591 was routed directly to the SRU incinerator until other refinery process units restarted to provide sufficient feed to support stable TGT operation. There was some smoking form the flares.

Point Source(s):
Low Pressure Flare

Nitrogen Dioxide - 9 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 189 pounds
Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure

The inlet temperature signal increased unexpectedly at the suction drum and the recycle flow rate increased causing the compressor to trip off line due to a high amperage reading fromt eh compressor's motor.
Operational changes were made immediately to correct the temperature signal at the suction drum and the compressor was restarted.

Point Source(s):
100-PSV-5B on 100-T-205

Hydrocarbon - 320 pounds
Nitrogen - 517 pounds
Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure

The pressure transmitter malfunctioned and showed no further increase as the level of the sphere increased.

Point Source(s):
Saturated Gas processor 7991 -K-1

Sulfur Dioxide - 408 pounds
Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure

Saturated Gas processor 7991 -K-1 tripped off line due to a mechanical trip failure of compressor metal end blades.

Point Source(s):
Saturated Gas plant 7991 -V-1

Benzene - 345 pounds
Hydrogen Sulfide - 566 pounds
Volatile Organic Compounds - 16,789 pounds
Cause of Problem: Instrument Failure

The signal to the 7991-V-1 straight run Debutinizer Bottoms level controller stopped transmitting it's signal from the field of the distributed control system
After inspection a set of wires appeared to be frayed. They sent a group of employees to fix the frayed wires.

Point Source(s):
Off site gasoline bulk tank

Hydrocarbon - 210 gallons
Cause of Problem: Human Factors

Operator did not block in bulk tank gasoline fill valve and gasoline spilled out of bulk tank because of this
It was above the air quality limit of no more than one barrel of hydrocarbon spilled in the ground. It is still under investigation. In the clean up they took 15 barrels of hydrocarbon and satnding water.

Point Source(s):
301-D-3 FCC Generator Flue Gas Bypass Stack;308F-D-2 High pressure flare

Carbon Monoxide - 20,645 pounds
Hydrocarbon - 846 pounds
Sulfur Dioxide - 5,016 pounds
Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure

FCC regenerator flu gas expander, 1291-k-1 tripped offline due to a mechanical failure causing an emergency shutdown of the FCC Unit
They claimed preventative maintenance is possible, but just the regenerator failing was unforeseeable.

Point Source(s):
592-X-1 Heat exchanger

Sulfur Dioxide - 390 pounds
Cause of Problem: Equipment Failure

There was a small leak in the 592-X-1 heat exchanger which caused the temperature to drop which in turn made there no proper control for the sulfur conversion at the 592 unit.
It was below the RQ standard of SO.